(317) 626-2788
Sunday Showcase
The Indy RBI Sunday Showcase League began in 2024 with a single goal: to bring together Central Indiana’s various Rec-Plus, Showcase, and Part-Time Travel programs that provide extra baseball at a higher-level of competition for their in-house rec players.
With 43 teams hailing from 15 different organizations, the league has representatives from seven Central Indiana counties, encompassing nearly every pocket of the region, from Zionsville down to Greenwood, Brownsburg over to Knightstown.
Teams compete across seven age divisions (7U/8U/9U/10U/11U/12U/14U), and games are played in a double-header format on Sunday afternoons, with teams rotating between nine different host sites. In the spirit of providing a more reasonably priced alternative to full-time travel, the Indy RBI Sunday Showcase League has no burdensome registration costs or gate fees – each team simply pays for the umpires for that day’s games ($60 per Doubleheader).

Participating Organizations
Indy RBI
Southside Renegades Baseball Club
Greenfield Youth Baseball
Eagle Creek Little League
New Palestine Youth League
Allisonville Youth Baseball
Broad Ripple-Haverford Little League
Brownsburg Little League
Zionsville Little League
Knightstown Youth Sports
Beech Grove Little League
Avon Baseball Club
Oaklandon Youth Organization
Carmel Pups
Colts Baseball Club